Jesus welcomed all people, and we hope to make our church a place that is accessible for all people!
Our building is single-story. The only set of stairs inside leads to the audio-visual balcony, where volunteers control the lights, microphones, and video camera on Sunday mornings. The chancel (sometimes called “stage”) is raised two steps so that people can better see the worship leaders. Whenever there is communion or any other invitation to move around the room, leaders step down to the main level. Communion is brought directly to anyone who has difficulty navigating.
The pastor, lay reader, and any other speakers always use microphones so that they can be heard more easily.
We offer large-print bulletins with enlarged music sheets for anyone who has trouble reading smaller fonts or holding a hymnal.
In addition to the men’s and women’s restrooms, which have stalls, we have two ADA-accessible gender-neutral restrooms, one of which has a baby changing station.
Individually-wrapped gluten-free wafers are always available when communion is offered.
At potlucks, we ask that everyone who has brought a dish fill out an allergen card, noting the name of the dish, who made it, and whether it contains meat, gluten, or any of the most common allergens.
For those who are homebound, under the weather, or not comfortable attending in-person events, we will continue to live stream our Sunday services on Facebook so that worship can be accessible to everyone.