COVID-19 survey COVID-19 Survey What I miss most about church is* worshipping together in the sanctuary praying with other people taking part in mission projects (Book Buddies, knitting group, etc) Bible study and adult education fellowship and social activities (movie night, coffee hour, etc) During our time apart, I have been* watching Sunday morning worship online watching Tuesday night Bible study online watching Wednesday evening Bible study online praying for Peoples To stay connected with the church family, I have been* joining fellowship calls on Zoom reading the weekly mini Mouse newsletter reaching out to community members following the church on social media doing yardwork around the church I understand how to* watch online services join virtual fellowship calls on Zoom contact Pastor Leia or my Deacon receive the latest updates on church news and the possibilities of having in-person events I would feel comfortable taking part in an outdoor worship service (with masks and social distancing) attending a casual outdoor fellowship event (with masks and social distancing) meeting up with one or two other Peoples for a walk and conversation having a prayer station set up in the church garden for people to come by and use as for prayer and meditation I do not feel comfortable getting together with other people at the current time Is there anything that you think we should continue doing, even after a vaccine has been developed and the pandemic crisis is no longer as pressing?Has our season of separation affected the way you think of God, church, or what it means to stay connected?What has made you feel connected to other people during this time? What ways of communicating have been the most meaningful to you?What could the church offer to you or to the community that it is not currently offering?What has Peoples done during this season that you have been most grateful for?What have been your biggest concerns during this season? How can we pray for you?Email* Δ