From the Worship and Music Committee on behalf of PPC Session:
Until this point it has been a unanimous Session decision to worship at home. Pastor Leia decided to create and present Facebook Live worship services. However, because we are seeing consistently decreasing numbers of covid cases and increasing numbers of vaccinations in local counties (and especially within our congregation), Session has decided to make the change to in-person worship.
Session has declined the recommendation of the Worship and Music committee and has voted to resume in-person worship services on July 11 at 10am in the sanctuary.
Of course, if you choose to wear a mask you are welcome to do so.
If you are at high risk or uncomfortable with returning to in-person worship at this time, you may choose to continue participating in worship at home with the worship service that will continue to be streamed on Facebook Live.
Weather permitting, Fellowship hour for the summer will be held on the lawn, so bring your lawn chairs.
We rejoice in the labor and research time around the world that went into the creation and distribution of the vaccines. We also thank all our front-line workers who continue to place themselves in harm’s way to protect and care for the community. We look forward to worshiping together in the sanctuary on July 11.