You can watch today’s service here.
If you are watching our live stream this morning, you are invited to find a candle, so that we can all light candles at the same time.
CALL TO WORSHIP (Joanna Harader, based on Psalm 23)
In the darkest valley,
at the banquet table;
in the hard work of life,
at the moments of ease;
in our day-to-day reality,
at times set aside–
like this time, now–
for worship, for listening, for paying attention;
with every step we take:
goodness and mercy follow us;
our cups overflow.
Gracious God, you are the true Shepherd. You care for us and guide us just as you have always cared for and guided all of your people. Help us to find still waters during these turbulent times that we may find comfort in you and the strength to go on. Amen.
The Lord leads us well and fills our cups to overflowing
In the season of Easter, we use this moment in the service to offer up prayers of thanksgiving instead of prayers of confession. I invite you to join with me in our unison prayer of thanksgiving, followed by a time either for silent personal thanksgiving or to name your blessings out loud at home.
Let us pray. . .
Moment of silent prayer–people of God, what are you thankful for this week?
Christ, you are risen with the sun;
you are light in darkness, warmth in our cold.
You are peace and hope and joy,
for you went willingly to death.
You turned defeat and failure to victory for all.
You live eternally
and with you all the living and the dead
who trust in you.
rise again to new life
and find our true place in your living body.
May the covenant sealed in your blood
bring healing and reconciliation
to this wounded world.
You are risen.
We are risen with you.
Praise and glory to the living God!
Lord of all creation, speak to us through your Word and lead us to follow in your paths all the days of our lives; in the name of Jesus, our savior and Good Shepherd. Amen.
John 10:11-18 (NRSV)
Jesus said, ‘I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.’
HYMN My Shepherd, You Supply My Need
lyrics by Isaac Watts, 1719
music from Southern Harmony, 1835
public domain
1 My Shepherd, you supply my need,
most holy is your name;
in pastures fresh you make me feed,
beside the living stream.
You bring my wand’ring spirit back.
when I forsake your ways;
you lead me, for your mercy’s sake,
in paths of truth and grace.
2 When through the shades of death I walk,
your presence is my stay;
one word of your supporting breath
drives all my fears away.
Your hand in sight of all my foes,
does still my table spread;
my cup with Blessings overflows,
your oil anoints my head.
3 Your sure provisions gracious God
attend me all my days;
oh, may your house be my abode,
and all my work be praise.
Here would I find a settled rest,
while others go and come;
no more a stranger, nor a guest,
but like a child at home.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not be in want.
The Lord makes me lie down in green pastures
and leads me beside still waters.
You restore my soul, O Lord,
and guide me.
along right pathways for your name’s sake.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no evil;
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil,
and my cup is running over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
What is your experience of Psalm 23 and the shepherd who supplies our needs by leading us beside still waters and into green pastures?
How has the shepherd’s accompaniment in the midst of dark valleys found expression in your life?
As we attend to one another’s wounds, we walk with one another through dark valleys and gather together at a table prepared for us even in the midst of all that threatens us. How have you experienced this in your community?
You can listen to Pastor Leia’s sermon, “Baaa Redux,” here.
HYMN As the Deer
music and lyrics by Martin Nystrom, 1984
© 1984 Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Publishing
Used by Permission. CCLI License #3456351
As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longeth after you
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I long to worship you
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I long to worship you
PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (Sonya Dyer, inspired by Psalm 23)
Holy God,
you are our shepherd,
we shall want for nothing that truly matters.
In green pastures you give us rest
and beside deep, still waters you lead us.
You promise to be with us always,
offering freedom from the frictions of hatred, anxiety, fear, and pain.
You give us living water to satisfy our thirst for peace.
We praise you and wonder
if this is for all people.
You refresh and restore our souls
and guide us in right paths
for the sake of your name.
When we are cast down
we have been shown ways to bring a new creation
to life in our world.
Your unique plan for all of life and for each life
is written into our very essence.
May we believe it is a plan
filled with hope,
grown out of love.
Help our unbelief.
Even though we walk in the dark valley,
we will fear no danger
for you, God, are at our side,
with rod and staff to give us courage.
Each life, every nation, has its share of valleys.
Some seem to have more than is right.
You are a constant companion in the darkness.
When violence, pain, and loss are heavy,
you comfort.
When we are aching, lost, and discouraged,
you seek us out.
When we go astray,
your compassionate judgment draws us back.
Receive our gratitude. Know our darkness.
You spread the table before us in the sight of our enemies
and richly bathe our heads with oil.
Our cups overflow.
O holy one,
you are our host as well as our shepherd.
You invite us to the banquet,
the banquet of life.
All parts of the world are invited –
enemies and friends,
the alienated and powerful,
those close at hand and those far off.
You offer the abundance and lavishness
of bread broken and shared
and the cup of refreshment that leads to new life.
We praise and thank you for your abundant spirit.
Goodness and love unfailing,
these will follow us all the days of our lives,
and we shall dwell in the home of our God
for all eternity.
We pray all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray, saying,
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
HYMN You Never Let Go
music and lyrics by Beth Redman and Matt Redman
© 2005 Thankyou Music (Admin. Capitol CMG Publishing)
Used by Permission. CCLI License #3456351
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
Even when I’m caught in the middle of the storms of this life
I won’t turn back I know you are near
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?
Oh no, you never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, you never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, you never let go
Lord, you never let go of me
And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes
We’ll live to know you here on the earth
And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear?
Whom then shall I fear?
Oh no, you never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, you never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, you never let go
Lord, you never let go of me
Yes I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes
Still I will praise you
Still I will praise you
Oh no, you never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, you never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, you never let go
Lord, you never let go of me
The Good Shepherd anoints our heads with oil; our cups runneth over.
Although we can never pay back the overflowing grace we have been given, we gladly give what we can.
If you are able to, please consider mailing your offerings to the church (210 Smith Street) or dropping them off in the mail slot. Alternatively, there is a link at the top of this page that will take you directly to a secure page where you can make a one-time donation. We appreciate your generosity as we seek to continue our mission and ministry throughout the community during this difficult time.
Let us pray: Lord of all, in thanksgiving for all the beauty of the earth you created, we praise You. Bless us and the gifts we bring before you for the work of your church and shepherd us all the days of our lives. Amen.
I believe I need a shepherd.
Because I am sometimes timid and other times overconfident,
because I often don’t know the best path yet pretend I do,
because I rush into dead ends or lead others into hazardous places,
because my brightest ideas are seamed with darkness,
because the things I crave may not be what is good for me,
I need a shepherd.
I believe in Jesus, the best possible shepherd;
his wisdom leads me to the best opportunities,
his word comforts me when I’m anxious or afraid,
his arm steadies me when I feel weary and heavy-laden,
his wounded body displays the cost of my rescue,.
I believe in Jesus, the best possible shepherd.
I believe that I do not find him but he finds me,
that I under his care by virtue of sheer grace,
the love he gives me is to be shared with others,
that he treasures my name and prepares a place for me,
that his fold transfixes earth and heaven.
I trust Jesus, the good shepherd. Amen.
may your feet know the way to find them.By the still waters of the running stream,
may your hands shape a cup and drink deep from it.In the valley of death’s shadow that ever threatens,
may your sense of life find the way through.At the banqueting table set before your enemies,
may your cup be full and overrunning.Like the anointing oil that runs down your head,
may the blessing that is you spill into the world with eternal promise.
In the way a shepherd’s staff warms off lameness from fear,
may trust be your protective companion on the way.
Through each day’s living as it unfolds,
may goodness and mercy make their way into every moment.
At the doorway to the house of the Lord of life,
may you recognise your home and your hearth.
And in the song that makes a dwelling-place in your heart,
may its music rise in your soul.
If you are using this page to follow along with today’s worship service while it is being live streamed, please join us for virtual coffee hour! Turn on your video camera and join us after the benediction with THIS LINK. You could also join over the telephone by dialing (312) 626-6799 and entering the meeting code 146 874 134, followed by the password 075003. You can find other events throughout the week on our CALENDAR.