On Pentecost, we started a new art project for all Peoples: a tablecloth and hangings for the pulpit and lectern that will be covered in our handprints!!!
At Pentecost, the first generation of believers, who came from every nation under heaven and lived all kinds of different lives, came together to create something new: what we now know as “the church.” With our new paraments, all of our handprints will come together in different sizes and colors to create something new and beautiful. It’s my hope that we can continue to add on new layers of handprints over the coming years as new people become Peoples and leave their mark on our church community.
We will continue to collect hands throughout the summer before we begin laying them out and attaching them to the tablecloth and hangings. If you haven’t “given us a hand” already, you can find paper and pencils in the narthex the next time you come to church or trace your hand at home and mail it to the church. We will take your handprints and cut them out of different colors of felt to add to our tablecloth collage.