Sunday, March 14
word of the day: “remember”
scripture: Psalm 42:1-6
reflection: Remember a time when you felt truly yourself. Where were you and what were you doing? Remember a time when you felt closest to God. Where were you and what were you doing?
prayer: God of yesterday and God of tomorrow, you gave us the gift of remembering so that we might learn from the past, practice gratitude, and remember who we are. In this Lenten season, help me to reflect and remember your story, my story, and the way the two connect. Amen.
Monday, March 15
word of the day: “satisfied”
scripture: John 6:1-15
reflection: Take a moment to practice gratitude. List five things you are grateful for—beyond what might be obvious or common answers.
prayer: Miracle worker, you fed 5,000 people until they were satisfied. At times I wonder, am I ever truly satisfied? Am I always reaching, planning, or wanting for more? Am I always hustling for my self-worth, striving to be the best? Teach me to sit in the grass at your feet. Teach me to eat with my neighbor. Teach me to be satisfied. For this is enough. If I slow down, I know, this is surely enough. Amen.
Tuesday, March 16
word of the day: “afraid”
scripture: John 6:16-20
reflection: What do you fear? Research shows there is healing when we write, so write down your fears. Let it be a prayer.
prayer: God of promise, there is so much that I fear. I am afraid of failing. I am afraid of hurting those I love. I am afraid of relationships falling apart, and of time passing too quickly. I am afraid that I will never reach my dreams, or that I’ll choose the wrong path altogether. I am afraid that the environment will continue to suffer, and that justice for all will never be reached. I have so much fear, and the sea is deep. Please walk toward me. Amen.
Wednesday, March 17
word of the day: “clay”
scripture: Jeremiah 18:1-6
reflection: What relationships and events in your life have shaped you? Where was God in that?
prayer: Great potter, if I am clay, then I fear I am being molded by the world. I fear that I am in the hands of news feeds, social media, to-do lists, and social pressures. However, what I want is to be clay in your hands. I want to be shaped by you. I want to see your artist’s signature on me and know that I am yours. So do what you do best. Kickstart the potter’s wheel. Start this pot over and mold me back toward you. Amen.
Thursday, March 18
word of the day: “light”
scripture: John 12:34-36
reflection: Who or what serves as a nightlight in your life—helping you see where you are, helping to guide your path?
prayer: God of light, if I am walking, I want to walk toward the dawn. I want to walk into the sun. I want to walk closer to you. There are many long shadows that can distract and deter. Help guide my feet. Be my light. Gratefully I pray. Amen.
Friday, March 19
word of the day: “joy”
scripture: Psalm 105
reflection: What brings your soul true, abiding joy? Can you incorporate more of that into your life?
prayer: God of deliverance, you brought your people out of Egypt with joy, so I know that joy is part of what you want for us. Help me to practice sparking joy in my own life. Give me the wisdom to pursue not the things that make me momentarily happy, but that which brings deep, abiding joy. Amen.
Saturday, March 20
word of the day: “trust”
scripture: Psalm 31
reflection: Complete these sentences: I believe God is____. I believe Jesus is___. I believe the Spirit is___. I believe faith is___.
prayer: Trustworthy God, there is so much that I do not understand about this world, but still, I trust in you. I trust that love is real, and that you are in love. I trust that joy is real, and that you are in joy. I trust that justice is real, and that you are in justice. So help me to be in those things too. Amen.