Out of concern for the health of our members and a desire to love our neighbors by keeping them safe, the Session of Peoples Presbyterian Church voted on Tuesday to continue to worship at home through the end of June. Our building may be closed, but the church itself is not closed and has never been closed–we have simply returned to the roots of early Christianity by worshipping at home.
Since we’ll be based online for a while longer, I thought I would lead a refresher tour of our website, peoplespresbyterian.org. I’ve been spending an awful lot of time working on it these past couple months and I want to make sure everyone knows what resources are available there.
There are eight pages on our website in addition to the homepage. The first page (and obviously the newest) is titled “COVID-19.” This page has the most recent news on how long we will continue to worship from home, details about all of the services, events, and fellowship times, plus links to the recordings of each and every online service we have had, as well as bulletins and sermon audio files.
The second page is titled “Worship” and is also a recent addition to the website. Its dropdown menu will take you to a page of readings, hymns, and prayers for every Sunday service we have had apart. The page for each Sunday goes up a day or two before the worship service is live-streamed so that you can use the page to follow along. Hymn titles are direct links to YouTube videos of the song so that you can listen to or sing along with something other than just my voice. After Sunday morning, links to the service video and sermon audio are added.

The third page is titled “Events” and brings you to a calendar noting every service, fellowship opportunity, Bible study, etc. If you click on any individual event, you will find directions to join a zoom call, a link to our facebook page, or a link to the recording of a service.
There are two items on the drop-down menu under the sixth page, “What We Do” that I want to direct your attention to. The first is the Bible study page, which lists the scripture readings for each Bible study I’ve put online as well as a link to the recording.
Lower down in the drop-down menu is a Mission page, which lists out alphabetically some of the many projects, outreach events, and collections that we have done for our community in just the past few years. It’s an impressive list and worth a read!

The seventh page is titled “Media” and contains a lot of different content. You can find newsletters, sermon audio files, my blog, and direct links to our Facebook and Instagram pages.