Daily Prayers and Devotions for Lent by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org
Sunday, February 21
word of the day: selah
scripture: Psalm 84
reflection: The word “selah” is used 74 times in scripture. The meaning is unclear, but many believe it indicates a pause. Where or how do you need to pause in your life?
prayer: Holy God, some truths are so good that we need a moment to let them sink in, otherwise they risk running off of us like water. So today, we slow down. We whisper, “selah.” We pause, and we remember—one day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. Amen.
prayer: God of justice, you flipped tables in the temple, and then immediately spoke to people who were eager to listen. We seem to only be able to do one or the other—we can be prophetic or pastoral. We can be angry or be gentle. We can speak or listen. Help us to hold both at the same time. Teach us your ways, so that we too can be agents of change. Amen.
Wednesday, February 24
word of the day: “healing”
scripture: Psalm 147:1-11
reflection: What corners of your heart need healing? What pains you?
prayer: God of the stars in the sky, I cling to the fact that you are a healing God. You are a God who longs for our wholeness. So just as you are with the stars and the sky and all creation, be close to me today. Heal the fragile parts of me, and help me see the next right step. Gratefully I pray. Amen.
Thursday, February 25
scripture: Hebrews 4:1-10
reflection: When was the last time you truly rested? What practices are restful for you? What changes in your life need to be made to protect rest?
prayer: God of rest, what a gift it is to us that you rested on the seventh day. Oh how we need that example. Oh how I need that example. I am weary, so today I pray: Give me the strength and the wisdom to rebuild my life with rest at the center. Amen.
Friday, February 26
reflection: What distractions in your life pull you from thecore values of your faith? How can you recenter?
prayer: God of our ancestors, take me back to the beginning. Take me back to the foundation. Remind me of the core of faith—to serve, to love, to walk with you. When I lose my way and find myself caught up in matters that do not matter, bring me back to your center. Amen.
Saturday, February 27
reflection: What is the hardest part about opening your Bible? What goals do you have for your relationship with scripture? What can help you get there?
prayer: God who speaks, as a people, we seem to have forgotten your Word. Those who went before us knew scripture like the back of their hands, but I admit, I can struggle to remember stories and verses. I know you’re in there—inside the pages of my Bible. Help me find you. Help me crave your word like I crave connection. Amen.