Daily Prayers and Devotions for Lent by Rev. Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org Sunday, February 21 word of the day: selah scripture: Psalm 84 reflection: The word “selah” is used 74 times in scripture. The meaning is unclear, but many believe it indicates a pause. Where or how do you need to pause in your life? prayer: Holy God, some truths are so good that we need a moment … [Read more...]
June 13, 2020: Week 13 of Isolation
As I've mentioned before, I was in fourth grade when twelve students and a teacher were murdered at Columbine High School. I was too young at the time to fully understand the repercussions that the event would have on the rest of my education, but I did know that I could never again assume that I would be safe at school. But I think that what might scare me even more as an adult, more than two … [Read more...]